Imitation Tech
About Us

All-In-One tech solution company in Malaysia that provide Solution and Service cover both Home & SMB. We cover from Digital Solution Service such as Web Development, Design & Digital Marketing to hardware solution such as Smart Devices & SMB Hardware Solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide affordable, effective yet straightforward solutions to business and individuals alike.We believe while digital solutions and lifestyles are essentials, but we are also committed to provide our customers that only getting the solutions they needs to maximise the effectiveness of their systems.

Our Vision

Our Vison is to normalising the digitalisation of not only business but also life. Standardising smart home and digital solutions across all aspects of public and private sectors, giving convenience to all people and improving the focus on what matters the most and making the world better and more accessible.

Why choose us?

We included all kind of digital solutions from development, marketing, to operations.


All of our services are fully customizable and we provide the best consulatants for you.


A single point of contact for all your digital solution needs.


We believe every business should only subscribe to what they need to maximize their productivity.


Even for our shorter term services, we make sure we are available for you when you need our support.


With us knowing your business, we can more effectively advice you on what kind of setup you need, from top to bottom.

Give us a message

Contact us to know more about what we can help you on your business